
Showing posts from March, 2018

Camp WriMo survival gear

So Tomorrow Starts Camp WriMO, in case your not aware its a month of finishing any writing project you have left over from NaNoWriMo in November. But this time there is no word count set goal, you can set your own. I'm working on the final edits of my 1st book and writing the complete outline and character profiles for my next novel. Which will mean April I will write close to 25k words. How do I survive the endless writing sessions, well first of all lots of chocolate, I ordered some french truffles just in time, also lots of apple spice tea, tons of water,  multiple notebooks, and having google images on in the background in case I need inspiration. I turn off my phone and stay holed up in my cave. My cave lets explain it's an antique French desk, a huge stuffed armchair with footstool, a throw to keep warm in late hours. With a sign on the door to not be disturbed for penalty of death. lol, Camp happens twice a year in April and July, which gives most writers eno...

Update On Book Launch

Hello, I've been working on the rewrites and nearly done, but... due to a severe illness I see no other way to finish everything that goes into a GREAT BOOK Launch and I don't want to scrimp on it so... I moved the date back to July 20th, 2018. I feel that will give me plenty of time to get the formatting, cover design perfect, and the marketing plan underway. Since I'm NOT a marketer I am on a slight learning curve. There's a lot that goes into writing a book. Writing seems like the easy part, its all the social media jargon, the mailing list building, the promotions, and don't get me started on the formatting issues. Headers and footers, chapter heading art, fonts, finding artwork that helps tell the story. Not to mention the website building, blog posts, and when you are an older woman who doesn't do SnapChat like all the kids do now, it can be daunting, to say the least. I need a virtual assistant... FAST!!!!  LOL The DIY process is always changing, new ...

WriMo Camp Prep

Ok so its been awhile since I posted, (been sick with flu complications) but I've been prepping for Camp WriMo for this April. If you're not familiar with this it's twice a year (April and July) you set your own writing goals instead of in NaNoWriMo that's in Nov that goals are set at 50k words in a month.  So for camp, I have decided to finish up on rewrites of my book  "One Family, Many Voices" due to come out May 17th, 2018. Also, do some outlining for my next projects. So my goal is about 25k words this time. If you're interested in taking part you can add me as a friend and join the camp with me.  Its always more fun with friends to cheer you on and give support to each other. So with the prepping, I've been focusing on brain dumping my other story ideas, to see which one speaks to me for my next project. Being sick has been a challenge since I often get my ideas when I'm in bed. So I keep a notebook on the nightstand to jot down so I don...

Vision Board Set Up

Manifesting my goals/ dreams, WOW !!! How to keep that vision in my head all the time, some have mantras to recite each morning , some use music, so have tons of clutter all around them to inspire them while they work. I watched a YouTube Video recently At Work With Nikki -- where she walked through how she did a vision board that hangs right above her desk, I really found that would be great for me when I drift off into my imagination while writing. i could look up and see what it is I'm trying to do all the time. Which is great for someone like me, who gets lost sometimes, in the video she gathered pictures on Google images or magazines that told her image/ her brand. Color schemes, quotes that spoke to her, furniture for her office, her MOTTO for her business. It was great. I was so inspired I went through all my quotes I've saved from Pinterest, and google images that I dream of having someday. I made a collage of them on beautiful metallic wrapping paper, and frame...

Whats up For March

Welcome to March everyone! So whats on your to do list this month? I will be finishing my rewrites on One Family, Many Voices. Here is the finished Cover Art. Sneak peak. Also planning what I'll be working on for CampWriMo in April. If you are not aware of this its part of the NANOWRIMO website. But instead of the goal of 50k words in 30 days you can work on anything, and set your own goals. I am going to work on the outline, and platting for my Next novel "Deadly Illusions". If you are going to take part make sure to add me to your friends list, I can always use more friends to add to my Camp Cabin.  As for rewrites I will be completely them in the coming weeks then to the betas one more time, before sending to my editor for the final run through before publication. How is your writing coming along? let me know in the comment section, also if you have any questions feel free to ask I'm here to help on this wild ride of becoming an author. Be sure to check out ...