Whats up For March

Welcome to March everyone! So whats on your to do list this month? I will be finishing my rewrites on One Family, Many Voices. Here is the finished Cover Art. Sneak peak. Also planning what I'll be working on for CampWriMo in April. If you are not aware of this its part of the NANOWRIMO website. But instead of the goal of 50k words in 30 days you can work on anything, and set your own goals. I am going to work on the outline, and platting for my Next novel "Deadly Illusions". If you are going to take part make sure to add me to your friends list, I can always use more friends to add to my Camp Cabin.
 As for rewrites I will be completely them in the coming weeks then to the betas one more time, before sending to my editor for the final run through before publication.

How is your writing coming along? let me know in the comment section, also if you have any questions feel free to ask I'm here to help on this wild ride of becoming an author.

Be sure to check out my updates on my website: pirnerpresspublishing.com  I update it regularly, or follow me on FaceBook, Twitter or Tumbler.

Happy Writing !!!


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