Update On Book Launch
Hello, I've been working on the rewrites and nearly done, but... due to a severe illness I see no other way to finish everything that goes into a GREAT BOOK Launch and I don't want to scrimp on it so... I moved the date back to July 20th, 2018.
I feel that will give me plenty of time to get the formatting, cover design perfect, and the marketing plan underway. Since I'm NOT a marketer I am on a slight learning curve. There's a lot that goes into writing a book. Writing seems like the easy part, its all the social media jargon, the mailing list building, the promotions, and don't get me started on the formatting issues. Headers and footers, chapter heading art, fonts, finding artwork that helps tell the story. Not to mention the website building, blog posts, and when you are an older woman who doesn't do SnapChat like all the kids do now, it can be daunting, to say the least. I need a virtual assistant... FAST!!!! LOL
The DIY process is always changing, new companies and ideas from everywhere giving you different a process to do. It's TOTALLY CONFUSING!!!! OVERWHELMING!!!!
Ok, enough ranting.
The rewriting is going well, my goal is to have Beta Readers working on critiques during CampoWri (April) so when they are done I can do next draft, get it edited professionally, and format it to CreateSpace properly. Order proof copies, and then when I feel its polished enough, upload to the site and publish. Oh did I tell you IngramSparks has totally different formatting as well as LuLu publishing? And Kindle is also different to format. So keep in mind if you want to self-publish there are rules to each one, slightly different to each other. Ok, now I need an aspirin and maybe a shot of tequila. Ok two ...lol
I wish there was a tried and true process that was simple to follow but it seems that's not the case, its all trial by fire, and it's getting HOT in here. I plan on letting you all know how it goes every step of the way, so maybe it can be easier for you. As I learn so will you. That's the plan anyway. Wish me luck I get better soon and get back into the swing of it.
Thanks for listening and hope you did get something out of all this, if you have questions please leave me a comment and I will be sure to get back to you ASAP.
Write On!
I feel that will give me plenty of time to get the formatting, cover design perfect, and the marketing plan underway. Since I'm NOT a marketer I am on a slight learning curve. There's a lot that goes into writing a book. Writing seems like the easy part, its all the social media jargon, the mailing list building, the promotions, and don't get me started on the formatting issues. Headers and footers, chapter heading art, fonts, finding artwork that helps tell the story. Not to mention the website building, blog posts, and when you are an older woman who doesn't do SnapChat like all the kids do now, it can be daunting, to say the least. I need a virtual assistant... FAST!!!! LOL
The DIY process is always changing, new companies and ideas from everywhere giving you different a process to do. It's TOTALLY CONFUSING!!!! OVERWHELMING!!!!
Ok, enough ranting.
The rewriting is going well, my goal is to have Beta Readers working on critiques during CampoWri (April) so when they are done I can do next draft, get it edited professionally, and format it to CreateSpace properly. Order proof copies, and then when I feel its polished enough, upload to the site and publish. Oh did I tell you IngramSparks has totally different formatting as well as LuLu publishing? And Kindle is also different to format. So keep in mind if you want to self-publish there are rules to each one, slightly different to each other. Ok, now I need an aspirin and maybe a shot of tequila. Ok two ...lol
I wish there was a tried and true process that was simple to follow but it seems that's not the case, its all trial by fire, and it's getting HOT in here. I plan on letting you all know how it goes every step of the way, so maybe it can be easier for you. As I learn so will you. That's the plan anyway. Wish me luck I get better soon and get back into the swing of it.
Thanks for listening and hope you did get something out of all this, if you have questions please leave me a comment and I will be sure to get back to you ASAP.
Write On!
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