Blog Schedule Book update

I've set up a schedule for regular blogs, Wed, Thur, Sunday's.
I will be discussing my writing journey, self-publishing (when your NOT tech savvy), along with questions I receive on social media platforms.
Since blogging is new to me and I'm finding my way around this social media universe, I will be addressing the struggles, mishaps, and overall discoveries on this ride of being a newly published author. But have been writing since a small child, changing all the characters in my books to fit my fancy. Also published in small newspapers at school, local, and church.
Since being "around the block a time or two" there are loads of experiences waiting to be let out through my style of humorous tongue in cheek, hindsight way of telling the story. Prepare to laugh till you pee a little (or does that only happen to me) LOL.
Join me each week for all the wacky things on my mind.

Write On!


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