
Showing posts from February, 2018

One Family Many Voices Sneak peak

Here is the Sneak Peak of my book coming out May 17th 2018: I grew up, raised kids of my own, married, divorced, try dating again (UGH) , finding my own path all the while writing my way through the adventures. Writing has been my constant, I found many others in my family who also use it , so I got the courage to gather all the poems and short stories together in one place for safe keeping. The many voices are unique and diverse as any other group sharing the same passion. These personal essays and poems are the expression of a writers journey. From the silly, innocent stories of a child, to the more humorous insights of a grown woman. Our family, grows each generation and the hope is that all future generations can look back at these and can find a spark of inspiration, that we all started somewhere. Just keep writing you'll get better at it, I promise. WRITE ON! I finished writing this during NaNoWriMo 2017, now I am in the rewrite /ed...

Journal / Notebook Addict !!!

How many Journals / notebooks do you have? 5, 10, 15, more than 20, well I just counted mine and hold on to your hats ...  have 65 yes that's right 65. Granted NOT all of them are in use at the moment. But give me a Here the ones I use right now:  Novel writing Bible, My Lexicon (words I find interesting and can'tr always spell correctly), Gratitude pages, Memorable Quotes and Saying, Bucket list, Blog log, Pirner Press Business bible, Brain dumping  for each of my projects, Planner (of course), Book reading Log, Life / Milestone stories (to be memoir someday), Research (varies topics).  So 16 in use wow... I do need a 12 step program. I love buying Journals and notebooks, if I find a pretty one I have to buy it even if I have no idea what to use it for, I will find something someday. So I have 2 suitcases under my desk filled with pretty unable to part with Journals. I find writers love to have notebooks and pads of paper everywhere, ...

Laptop Died 2 days ago UGH!!!

So I've been sick with flu again and then laptop died 2 days ago, so haven't posted is about 2 weeks ... but here I am. Procrastination-- UGH!!!! yes I have tons of rewrites to do, and have been postponing doing them WHY you ask? well I think its because that would mean I would be that much closer to publishing. Its what I really want to do. But... I'm also afraid, yes afraid. I don't get afraid most of the time, but having my work available to be trashed and torn apart by strangers is freaking me out.  I have always kept my work hidden in notebook, memory boxes and such, but now to bring all of it into the light to be criticized it's harder than I thought it would be. I keep wondering if anyone will find value in my writing?  Will they understand what I'm saying? is my story good enough? Is it worth publishing , or is going straight to the bargain bin? Call me chicken, yes I am ! I know its silly, to be so close to my dream and to freak out, but I am. I ...

Blonde Moment - Writing Goals

Hi had a blonde moment forgot to link this blog to email, WOW such a newbie. Well, I think its done now, crossing fingers. Also fixed the comment section, there is so much to do tech wise to being a writer. So I finished the 1st self-edits and onto the rewrites, I still have room for more beta readers so if your willing to rip my manuscript apart, just let me know. email Today I'd like to talk about the writing challenges that I found on this journey. First writing is the most fun part, its the rereading what you wrote in the dead of night fueled by tea and chocolate when you're in the zone that's hard. Well also hilarious, after you figure out what exactly you were trying to say, without making any sense, the story really starts to come together. Lots of RED INK later you get see your vision peaking through. Your heart skips a beat when you realize that you are really doing this ... writing your book. It becomes real... a real Book baby is fo...

Editing Continues.... UGH!!!

I am working through the night to get as much editing done so I can begin the rewriting process, Thank God I have "Dragon" . should help me get through it as painlessly as possible. I already have 5 beta readers waiting to get their hands on it to "rip it to shreds' lol I will be drinking alt of tequilla during that part. LOL As for the cover design I have a working cover, but still waiting to get a final one to use. I will post the image here: TA DA ... let me know what you think. the book title: One Family, Many Voices  a collection of poems and personal essays. Well if you have any questions feel free to leave a comment , or email me at

Writing updates- Book Launch infor

My Book launch of "One Family, Many Voices"  the collection of poems and short stories, semi-autobiographical is set for May 17th, 2018  Medford Oregon. I look forward to reading some of the pieces and answer any questions you may have, also please feel free to leave questions in the comment section as well. This is my 1st fully published book, I have had some printed in local newspapers over the years. I am also working on a full-length novel "Deadly Illusions" to be finished during NANOWRIMO this November, its an exciting who- done- it along with some HOT romance. I have been working with these characters for years so they are eager to get their story on the page. If you like strong, intelligent, banter, with a side of humor, then "Deadly" will be just the start. my heroine is pretty, good girl, who has a naughty side. She loves fiercely but doesn't trust easily.  Her family, friends are the center of her world so when they are threatened her g...