One Family Many Voices Sneak peak
Here is the Sneak Peak of my book coming out May 17th 2018: I grew up, raised kids of my own, married, divorced, try dating again (UGH) , finding my own path all the while writing my way through the adventures. Writing has been my constant, I found many others in my family who also use it , so I got the courage to gather all the poems and short stories together in one place for safe keeping. The many voices are unique and diverse as any other group sharing the same passion. These personal essays and poems are the expression of a writers journey. From the silly, innocent stories of a child, to the more humorous insights of a grown woman. Our family, grows each generation and the hope is that all future generations can look back at these and can find a spark of inspiration, that we all started somewhere. Just keep writing you'll get better at it, I promise. WRITE ON! I finished writing this during NaNoWriMo 2017, now I am in the rewrite /ed...