Writing updates- Book Launch infor

My Book launch of "One Family, Many Voices"  the collection of poems and short stories, semi-autobiographical is set for May 17th, 2018  Medford Oregon.

I look forward to reading some of the pieces and answer any questions you may have, also please feel free to leave questions in the comment section as well. This is my 1st fully published book, I have had some printed in local newspapers over the years.

I am also working on a full-length novel "Deadly Illusions" to be finished during NANOWRIMO this November, its an exciting who- done- it along with some HOT romance. I have been working with these characters for years so they are eager to get their story on the page.

If you like strong, intelligent, banter, with a side of humor, then "Deadly" will be just the start. my heroine is pretty, good girl, who has a naughty side. She loves fiercely but doesn't trust easily.  Her family, friends are the center of her world so when they are threatened her good girl side takes a back seat. She will fight tigers for those she loves. But when another of her loved ones makes the ultimate sacrifice, will she be able to go on. Will she survive, will she find the true love she's been waiting for, and if she does will he be next on the killer's list.

Stayed tuned.....

email: nancypirnerwriter@gmail.com


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