Blonde Moment - Writing Goals

Hi had a blonde moment forgot to link this blog to email, WOW such a newbie. Well, I think its done now, crossing fingers. Also fixed the comment section, there is so much to do tech wise to being a writer.
So I finished the 1st self-edits and onto the rewrites, I still have room for more beta readers so if your willing to rip my manuscript apart, just let me know. email

Today I'd like to talk about the writing challenges that I found on this journey. First writing is the most fun part, its the rereading what you wrote in the dead of night fueled by tea and chocolate when you're in the zone that's hard. Well also hilarious, after you figure out what exactly you were trying to say, without making any sense, the story really starts to come together. Lots of RED INK later you get see your vision peaking through. Your heart skips a beat when you realize that you are really doing this ... writing your book. It becomes real... a real Book baby is formed. No more ideas and scribbles in various notebooks, but truly real.

My writing goals are simple... I want to get out all the stories I have in my head down on paper. To have my voice heard, to have my grandchildren know me long after I'm gone. My biggest fear is to wind up as a name and dates on a genealogy page, where my family doesn't know anything more about me. I want to have them say oh wow Great- Grandma Nancy was a woot,  she wrote like we do, and see what else she wrote, we're just like her. To be part of them long after I'm gone is the most powerful thing I can give them all. I know that sounds a bit selfish, but hey when you get older, being a bit self-indulgent is a blessing.

I sent my whole life doing what others needed me to do, NOW I'm doing what I need to Do. No more excuses or waiting for the right time. The time is NOW... so hold on and enjoy the ride with me.


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