Finding Inspiration Where Ever you can

Hi all, yes its been a while I was sick and not feeling very inspired to do ANY writing...UGH.., so I've been thinking how do you inspire yourself to write that epic novel roaming around in your head?

Well, I started talking with my sister/Best Friend and got the idea to use Barbie Dolls, yes I mean "the barbie"... the one we all played with while growing up. We got to talking and realized there's no RULE that grown women over 50 can't act out a scene or plot twist to get a  better feel for how it will work. So I started looking for dolls including GI Joe's because let's face it KEN is NOT or has ever been SEXY BRAVE or a HOTTIE, so I have been on a bit of a craze finding just the right face and body type I need for each character.
WOW, I have been away from doll collecting too long, so many to choose from, but I am finding some great ones. Ebay is booming just from Cheryl's and my purchases. I also saw dioramas which are SOOOO expensive but decided I can do my own, and I love to craft, so loaded up on glue sticks packing tape and every cardboard box I can find I've created several rooms and furniture to really bring out the details of my story. I'm having a ball, playing, and making cool stuff.

My son and daughter in law think I've lost my ever-loving mind, maybe I have, I am so emersed in my story now, figuring out all the loopholes, discovering the depths of each character. Its really helping a lot with writing, I know some of you will think its nuts, but if it works why not give it a try?

Everyone needs to find inspiration wherever it leads, break some of the rules, go back to a simpler time when your imagination was your best friend, play, create, break out those dolls and play dress up, fool around with GI JOE, he does bring a smile to my However you find your own way of getting the story on to the page is yours. I also think it will be great that when I finish the book, I will have these awesome displays I can bring to book signings and such. Just think how fun it will be to have a 12-inch size world of your characters you can share with your readers.

So have fun, no matter your age, be a kid again, play, explore, escape ADULTING for a bit. You can do it, no one is watching, it's our little secret... shhh!!!. my lips are sealed. LOL

Write ON!


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